Insight Theatre’s entry in this year’s one-act festival was Samuel Beckett’s ‘PLAY’. It was directed by Joe Canavan, with cast Vini Casey, Gayle Thompson and Michelle Reade, and crew Breda Donnellan and Frances Galligan.
It took 1st place at the one-act festivals in Palmerston, Doonbeg and Prosperous and was placed 2nd in Dundrum and Skerries
These results qualified Insight for the 2012 All-Ireland finals, which took place in Ballyduff, Co. Waterford on 7th, 8th and 9th December.
The competition was won by our near neighbours ‘Prosperous’. Congratulations folks.
Joe Canavan received the Adjudicator’s award. Well done Joe, and congratulations to all concerned.
For One-Act Festival Results follow ‘1 Act Festival Circuit 2012 Click Here‘, then ‘Open League Table‘. Click here to start.